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Psychoacoustics References

Below are useful references on the subject of audio science, psychoacoustics, auditory neurophysiology, and Just Noticable Differences (JNDs).

Psychacoustics Reference List




"The effect of amplitude envelope on the pitch of sine wave tones." W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {63}, 1105-1113 (1978).

"Binaural edge pitch," M.A. Klein and W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {70}, 51-61 (1980).

"A search for central lateral inhibition," W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {75}, 528-535 (1984).

"The frequency-domain grating," W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {78}, 1421-1425 (1985).

"On measuring the frequency difference limen for short tones," W.M. Hartmann, Brad Rakerd, and Thomas N. Packard, Perception and Psychophysics, {38}, 199-207 (1985).

"Discrimination of spectral density," W.M. Hartmann, Stephen McAdams, Andrew Gerszo, and Pierre Boulez, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {79}, 1915-1925 (1986).

"Hearing a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone," W.M. Hartmann, S. McAdams, and B.K. Smith, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {88}, 1712-1724 (1990).

"Stream segregation and peripheral channeling," W.M. Hartmann and Douglas Johnson, Music Perception Journal {9}, 155-183 (1991).

"Structural alterations of an ambiguous musical figure: The scale illusion revisited," G.A. Radvansky, W.M. Hartmann, and Brad Rakerd, Perception and Psychophys. {52}, 256-262 (1992).

"On the origin of the enlarged melodic octave," W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {93}, 3400-3409 (1993).

"On the Duifhuis pitch effect," Jian-Yu Lin and W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (101), 1034-1043 (1997).



"Some psychoacoustical experiments with all-pass networks," W.M. Hartmann, Am. J. Phys. {47}, 29-34 (1979).

"Localization of sound in rooms," W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {74}, 1380-1391 (1983).

"Localization of sound in rooms II: The effect of a single reflecting surface," Brad Rakerd and W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {78}, 524-533 (1985).

"Localization of sound in rooms III: Onset and duration effects," Brad Rakerd and W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {80}, 1695-1706 (1986).

"On the minimum audible angle - A decision theory approach," W.M. Hartmann and Brad Rakerd, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {85}, 2031-2041 (1989).

"Localization of sound in rooms IV - The Franssen effect," W.M. Hartmann and Brad Rakerd, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {86}, 1366-1373 (1989).

"Auditory spectral discrimination and the localization of clicks in the sagittal plane," W.M. Hartmann and Brad Rakerd, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {94}, 2083-2092 (1993).

"On the externalization of sound images," W.M. Hartmann and A.T. Wittenberg J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {99}, 3678-3688 (1996).

"Psychophysical and physiological evidence for a precedence effect in the median sagittal plane," Litovsky, R.Y., Rakerd, B, Yin, T.C.T. and Hartmann, W.M., J. Neurophysiology, {77} 2223-2226 (1997).

"On the source identification method," W.M. Hartmann, B. Rakerd, and J.B. Gaalaas, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {104}, 3546-3557 (1998)

"Sound localization in the median sagittal plane by elderly listeners," B. Rakerd, T. VanderVelde, and W.M. Hartmann, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. {9}, 466-479 (1998).

"Binaural coherence and the localization of sound in rooms," W.M. Hartmann, Z.A. Constan, and B. Rakerd, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Acoustics, Acoust. Soc. of Am. pp 2889-2890 (1998)

"Identification and localization of sound sources in the median sagittal plane," B.Rakerd, W.M. Hartmann, and T.L.McCaskey, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {106}, 2812-2820 (1999).

"Precedence effect with and without binaural differences - sound localization in three planes," B. Rakerd, W.M. Hartmann, and J. Hsu., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {107}, 1061-1064 (2000).

"Localization of sound in rooms V: Broadband noise," W.M. Hartmann and B. Rakerd; J.B. Gaalaas, T. VanderVelde, W.R. Thorpe, and M.M. Ow, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. - submitted 2000

"Simulating the Franssen illusion," W.M. Hartmann and S.R. Lawton, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. submitted, 2000

Further References:

"Localization of sound in rooms, the effect of visual fixation," W.M. Hartmann, {Proceedings 11th ICA}, (Journal d'Acoustique) {3}, 139-142 (1983).

"Localization of a source of sound in a room," W.M. Hartmann, Proc. Audio Engr. Soc. Eighth International Conference, ed. S. Pizzi, pp 27-32, AES, New York (1990).

"Auditory Localization in rooms," W.M. Hartmann, Proc. Audio Engr. Soc. Twelfth International Conference, ed. S. Bech pp 34-39, AES, New York (1993).

"Listening in a Room and the Precedence Effect," W.M. Hartmann, in {Binaural and Spatial Hearing} ed. R.H. Gilkey and T.B. Anderson, pp 191-210, L. Erlbaum Associates (1997).

"Head-related transfer functions," W.M. Hartmann, {Echoes}, {8}, No. 2, spring 1998.

"How we localize sound," W.M. Hartmann, Physics Today, November, 1999 pp 24-29.

"Pitch, Periodicity and Auditory Organization," W.M. Hartmann, (Review and Tutorial) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {100}, 3491-3502 (1996).

"On the pitches of the components of a complex tone," W.M. Hartmann and S.L. Doty, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {99}, 567-578 (1996)

"The pitch of a mistuned harmonic: Evidence for a template model," Jian-Yu Lin and W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {103}, 2608-2617.

"Binaural Coherence Edge Pitch," W.M. Hartmann and Colleen McMillon, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. submitted, 2000.

"Binaural Coherence Edge Pitch - Equalization and Cancellation," W.M. Hartmann, 12th International Symposium on Hearing at Mierlo, The Netherlands, August, 2000

Further References:

"The effect of a prior tone on the pitch of a short tone." W.M. Hartmann and D.C. Kanistanaux, {Proc. Res. Symposium on the Psychology and Acoustics of Music} Ed. W.V. May (1979).

"Pitch perception and the segregation and integration of auditory entities," W.M. Hartmann, in {Auditory Function- Neurobiological Bases of Hearing}, eds. Edelman, G.W., Gall, E., and Cowan, W.M., John Wiley and Sons, pp. 623-645 (1988).

"Auditory grouping and the auditory periphery," W.M. Hartmann {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pp. 299-304, Kyoto, (1989).

"On the perceptual segregation of steady state tones," W.M. Hartmann, {Proceedings of the ATR Workshop on A Biological Framework for Speech Perception and Production,} ed. H. Kawahara, ATR Technical Report TR-H-21, ATR Labs, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 87-94, (1995).



"Theory of frequency modulation detection for low modulation frequencies" W.M. Hartmann and M.A. Klein, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {67}, 935-946 (1980).

"A characteristic function equation for two-interval forced-choice experiments," W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {68}, 351-352 (1980).

"The effect of uncertainty on the detection of fm for low modulation frequencies," W.M. Hartmann and M.A. Klein, Percep. and Psychophysics {30}, 417-424 (1981).

"On the detection of a tone masked by two tones," W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {71}, 127-132 (1982).

"Detection of mixed modulation," W.M. Hartmann and G.M. Hnath, Acustica {50}, 297-312 (1982).

"Discrimination of spectral density," W.M. Hartmann, Stephen McAdams, Andrew Gerszo, and Pierre Boulez, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {79}, 1915-1925 (1986).

"Noise power fluctuations and the masking of sine signals," W.M. Hartmann and Jon Pumplin, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {83}, 2277- 2289, (1988).

"Periodic signals with minimal power fluctuations," W.M. Hartmann and Jon Pumplin, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {90}, 1986-1999 (1991)

"Turning on a tone," W.M. Hartmann and Dan Sartor, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {90}, 866-873 (1991)

"Auditory demonstrations on compact disk for large N," W.M Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {Review and Tutorial} {93}, 1-16 (1993)

"The masking level difference in low-noise noise," J.W. Hall, J.H. Grose, and W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {103}, 2573-2577.

Further references:

"Software structures for experiments in psychoacoustics," W.M. Hartmann, {Proceedings of the Research Symposium on the Psychology and Acoustics of Music - 1985}. ed. G.C. Turk.

"Temporal fluctuations and the discrimination of spectrally dense signals by human listeners," W.M. Hartmann, in {Auditory Processing of Complex Sounds}, eds. W.A. Yost and C.S. Watson, Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 126-135, (1987).

Review: A.J.M. Houtsma, T.D. Rossing, and W.M. Wagenaars, {Auditory Demonstrations on Compact Disc}, W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {85}, 521-522 (1989).

"The Physics of the Auditory Stimulus," in {Hearing - The Handbook of Perception and Cognition}, Chapter 1, ed. B.C.J. Moore, Academic (1995)

Review: Now Hear This - The Life of Hugh S. Knowles, Acoustical Engineer and Entrepreneur, by Susan Goodwillie, reviewed by W.M. Hartmann for Ear and Hearing {21}, 536 (2000).



"The electronic music synthesizer and the physics of music," W.M. Hartmann, Am. J. Phys. {43},755-763 (1975). Reprinted in {Musical Acoustics - Selected Reprints}, ed. T.D. Rossing, Amer. Assn. of Physics Teachers Press, (1988).

"Flanging and Phasers," W.M. Hartmann, J. Audio Engr. Soc. {26}, 439-443 (1978).

"Electronic music - a bridge between psychoacoustics and music," W.M. Hartmann, in {Music Mind and Brain}, ed. M. Clynes, Plenum Press, pp. 371-385 (1982).

"Psychoacoustics and contemporary music," W.M. Hartmann, {Proceedings 11th ICA}, (Revue d'Acous- tique de GALF) {8}, 225-228 (1983).

"The dynamically shifted oscillator," W.M. Hartmann, Am. J. Phys. {54}, 28-32 (1986).

M.H. Cohen, {Quantifying Music- The Science of Music at the First Stage of the Scientific Revolution, 1580-1650}, W.M. Hartmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. {79}, 1636-1637 (1986).

"Chime Bars: Their spectra and pitch," W.M. Hartmann and David Espe and Jian-Yu Lin, Report 105, August, 1995

"Electronic Music," W.M. Hartmann, Chapter 138 for the Encylopedia of Acoustics, ed. Malcolm Crocker, John Wiley, New York, pp 1679-1685 (1997).

"Review of Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound, ed. P.R. Cook, W.M. Hartmann, Music Perception, {17}, 145-148 (1999).



"Level Discrimination as a Function of Level for Tones from .25 to 16khz", Florentine, Mary, et al, Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 81(5) May 1987, pg 1528-1541.

"On the Relations of Intensity JND's to Loudness and Neural Noise", Zwislocki, J and Jordan H., Journal of Acoustics Society of America, 79(3), Mar 86, pg 772-780.

"Auditory Intensity Discrimination at High Frequencies in the Presence of Noise", Viemeister, Neal F., Science, vol 220, 16 Sep 83, pg 1206-1208.

"Speaker Cables, Measurements vs Psychoacoustic Data", Villchur, Edgar, Audio, Jul 94, pg 34-37.